The basics of a healthy diet

The basics of a healthy diet

Healthy food ensures that your body can function properly and that you stay fit. In addition, a healthy diet is important to maintain weight and to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. In addition, it provides the supply of vitamins and minerals, but also fiber for a good bowel function and many other (bioactive) substances, which all work together to maintain our resistance. In this article you can read about the basics of a healthy diet. A rule of thumb for a healthy diet is to eat a varied diet at all times. This way you get all the necessary nutrients you need to live a healthy life. It is advisable to avoid processed foods. This is mainly due to the fact that it is unnatural and therefore more difficult for your body to process. This creates many more physical problems than is currently linked to nutrition. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic intestinal complaints, skin problems and more common diseases are often caused by an incorrect diet. A healthy diet is the basis for an energetic life. Healthy food consists of: - unsaturated fat instead of saturated fat - little salt - lots of vegetables and fruit - whole grain products - skimmed and semi-skimmed milk (products), - 30+ cheese - unsalted nuts - less meat, more vegetable - drinks: tap water, tea and filter coffee. Less meat and more whole grain products, legumes, vegetables, fruit and vegetable meat substitutes lead to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. It is such a shame that a lot of people are not consciously involved with food, while it is a basic necessity of life. For many, nutrition has been relegated to something you shouldn't spend too much time on. This is conveniently responded to with convenience food. Food that no longer has the quality and quantity of nutrients than it used to (less than 50 years ago!) and is full of substances that we do not need for our health, on the contrary! In short, nutrition is the basis for a healthy and fit body. You cannot grow or improve without a good foundation. Therefore, spend enough time and attention on this and prepare yourself when a busy day arrives. Meal prepping can then offer the perfect solution! More about this in a future article.

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