How to avoid GMOs

This way you can avoid GMOs

This way you can avoid GMOs

Genetic modification is a technique in which the properties of organisms such as crops are changed. Genetically modified organisms are called GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) or GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).

With this technique, genes with positive properties of, for example, plants, insects or bacteria are added to other organisms. In this way, crops such as maize and soya are made resistant to insects and diseases in order to be able to produce as efficiently as possible.

However, this disrupts the natural balance. GMOs threaten biodiversity because in certain areas nutrients can no longer be found for certain insects and bacteria that are part of our ecosystem. The negative consequences of this are currently insufficiently known.

Genetic pollution is irreversible, unpredictable and entails a chain reaction of consequences for ecosystems. In addition, the long-term effects of consumption of these products on human health are still insufficiently known.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) states that if a product contains more than 0,9% of genetically modified material, this must be reported on the label. You can avoid them by choosing only certified organic, certified non-genetically modified and regionally grown food that has been grown naturally, without the use of genetic engineering.

Fortunately, more and more people and countries are becoming aware of the risks of GMOs in food. In addition to the safety of GMOs, EFSA also looks at the risks to the environment. For example, they check whether harmful substances are formed during the process of genetic modification. They also check whether the modified plant can come into contact with other plants and whether the plant is not toxic to animals.

Where can you find GMOs and where not?

  1. Most animals in the livestock industry (above 90%) receive genetically modified food, which indirectly also ends up in our food.
  2. Especially corn and soy (from which flour, sweeteners and starch are made) are often modified. They are mainly found in composite products. Look at the packaging of sauces, soups and ready meals and you will discover that genetically modified ingredients are used almost everywhere.
  3. Most animals in the livestock industry (above 90%) receive genetically modified food, which indirectly also ends up in our food.
  4. Dairy products and eggs: almost all dairy products and eggs in the Netherlands come from animals that are fed GMOs.
  5. Cookies, chips and other snacks are composite products, so many modified sweeteners and starch.
  6. Ready-to-eat meals: composed, so many modified ingredients.
  7. Oils and vegetable fats: Olive oil is not modified. Many other 'vegetable' fats do contain GMOs. There is also a good chance that the margarine in your refrigerator contains GM ingredients.
  8. Bread, crackers and toast: genetically modified organisms are also used in bakery raw materials, such as flour, protein or fat from soybeans.

At Ekopura we know better than anyone the importance of clean food and its impact on the environment. That is why our products do not contain GMOs or other chemical and unhealthy additives, but only honest, healthy ingredients.

Our organic products comply with the strict European rules for (organic) food in which GMOs are not allowed. Want to know more about our organic products? Then read on quickly.

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